
Big in Japan

It is fun to follow my little LEGO creations around the world. First they popped up in America on Dunechaser's Blocklog and then Japan gregmoteさんの超ミニスターウォーズ。
これは見立ての究極! これらがちゃんとスターウォーズのメカに見えるんだから素晴らしい! 驚異の作品群です。


hadashi said...

yesssss! FINALLY! (sound of something blowing up)...

Dunechaser's blog, i humbly think, is brilliant, and therefore it was an obvious choice to include your minifigs.
and remember, things are easy when you're big in Japan.

Andrew B. said...

Hey, thanks for the link, Greg! I found your blog when I was posting about your SW minis, but wasn't 100% sure it was the same Greg Mote (I'm clearly blind and didn't see the Brickshelf link). Excellent work on those minis. I'll add you to my blog roll the next time I update my template.

And thanks for the compliment, Hadashi! I was born and raised in Japan, so I know all about the importance of growing big in Japan first. Heh heh...