
The Empress Rose by Chris Eastvedt

After months of work, painful failures, mild successes, bizarre mis-steps, I have finished my part of the production of chriseastvedt.com where Chris will be documenting her struggle to get her first literary fiction novel The Empress Rose published. The Empress rose deals with living in a rural community and hydroponics and more. Chris is planning on writing a series of books using the major Tarot cards to inspire the themes and/or characters of the stories. To entertain visitors who care to follow along for the journey there are several fun features: Storytime with Chris where she reads some of her stories for you, Book Reviews so you can get an idea of what she thinks of other writer's works and short animations in every section.

My duties included web designer, illustrator, 3D modeler, storyboard artist, audio engineer, talent wrangler and photographer.

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